Yoga Saved My Body,
Coaching Saved My Life
Like so many westerners, Asana was my gateway into contemplative practice. One limb of yoga, it healed a very complicated back injury early on in my days as a mother. The practice, and my work as an anatomically-focused massage therapist, built a teaching methodology with a deep focus on the body. However, what I came to learn over time, is that it wasn't just the anatomical piece of yoga that built my practice... it was the entirety of the 8 Limbs that would inform my walk in this life, and all of my teaching.
Self inquiry is part of life's journey. It led me to learn multiple modalities from anatomical work to energy work to coaching work.
I teach yoga and coach clients from a place of humility, healing, and humor. I believe that we are stronger than we know- that our capabilities to learn our own bodies and minds, and their interconnectedness is available to us. And I strive to take in every contributing aspect of each student's cellular, physical, emotional, and psychological aspects when I teach and train teachers... because it's not just about our anatomy.
It's about our Anatomy of Life.

With each practice, we build our awareness of body and mind, and deepen our capacity for self knowing. That's why we call it practice. It's like dipping of the cloth- we begin with a fabric, dip it, dip it again, and again still, and each time we immerse ourselves in the practice, the color gets richer and richer.
The practice of yoga is a cumulative effort. And often, it's a collective effort. We are living in magnificent and changing times. The practice of yoga is something that is highly political, and its import into the West is nothing short of complicated.
It is with great reverence that I am in service through my offerings of this practice. Each offering of healing is informed by Buddhist meditation, Power Yoga, 12 Steps, and Reiki. My deep anatomy study has expressed itself with 18 years as a licensed massage therapist in the state of Washington, and certification with Tom Myers, Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists. I have studied Hatha Yoga under Veet Vivarto, am an OSHO Yoga & Meditation teacher, and a Tier 3 Baptiste Yoga Teacher.
This combination of study pathways has offered me the perspective to remain true to the anatomy-focused and powerful practice of Asana while supporting the connective tissues (literally and figuratively) of the mind and heart through secular and spiritual practices alike.

Dipping the Cloth

A gift for you: Yoga Nidra
These last couple years have uprooted us all. From a global pandemic to great social and political shifts, we are being asked to bring our best energy to each and every action. This skillfulness includes our ability to rest. This recording will enable you to move into deeper relaxation for a better sleep.
When we talk about yoga, we often speak to the qualities of union of mind and body. Today and in these moments, never has it been more important to have the union of wakefulness and rest in appropriate measure. Dial down your anxiety for a nourishing sleep with this Yoga Nidra.