Hello lovely human,
A New Starting Line ~ Draw it
There are times in life when drawing, and yes, I mean physically creating the action of drawing a starting line in front of where you are, is required to keep moving forward.
When I trip up in life, be it over the towel I didn’t pick up this morning, with my diet, with my relationship, with my job, I will make an imaginary line in front of my feet and then step over it.
It’s a way of accepting what is, not ignoring what is, and moving forward with what you’ve got. The pain, sadness, disappointment, or frustration due to what’s happening or what has happened then becomes a companion moving with you, not an adversary blocking you.
Within my yoga practice wrist pain had me signed up for wrist surgery in March 2020. When the surgery didn’t happen (for obvious reasons) I didn’t stop practicing, I created a new one. A starting line was drawn on my mat with modifications necessary to move forward. Three years later, without surgery, my physical yoga looks different however it’s opening up to me in a whole new beautiful way I couldn’t have predicted.
If ever you feel tripped up in life, whether in a big way or small, create a new starting line for yourself. It shifts your energy. It gives you space for choice. Then step over the line into the next indicated thing.
Please reach out for a free alignment call through my website: tina@tinatemplemancom. Or join me in Switzerland this September for a breathtaking hiking and yoga adventure. Switzerland is going to be EPIC!
With joy in sharing,
